Abstracciones de una pastilla, o Kelly en realidad pintaba medicamentos 
(Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication
Speculative series around the graphic design used in the packaging of medication for the treatment of mental health illnesses, the work of the American artist Ellsworth Kelly, and the symbolic implications in representation.
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication consists of ten cutout paintings in which I reinterpret motifs in the work of Ellsworth Kelly to understand them as abstractions of medication pills. Each work is made by mixing different proportions of acrylic paint and pulverized Fluoxetine with the purpose of obtaining various textures that accentuate the use of crushed tablets. The color palette used for this series is a hybrid between the colors generally used in the graphic design of the packaging of antidepressants and the bright colors that appear in Kelly's prolific works.

Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication, 2022

Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 1, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 53.5 x 45 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 2, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 55 x 54.5 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 3, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 54.5 x 44.5 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 4, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 54 x 37.5 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 5, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 53 x 38.5 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 6, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 51 x 38.5 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 7, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 62 x 43 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 8, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 48 x 45 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 9, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 55 x 45 x 1.5 cm
Abstractions of a pill, or Kelly was actually painting medication 10, 2022 / Pulverized Fluoxetine and acrylic paint on cutout wood canvas. 64.5 x 41.5 x 1.5 cm